Discounts for ticket holders

The following companies are kindly offering discount to ball ticket holders...

The Grange Hotel, Newark are offering their accommodation at a discounted rate of £75 for a single room and £95 for a twin or double room. Both prices include a full english breakfast (and VAT).

John Hopkinson, Newark 01636 610198 will provide ticket holders with dinner suit hire (trousers, jacket, shirt and bow tie) for £49.95 (as saving of £13.90)

Image Bridal in Lincoln 01522 540211 are offering 15% discount on ball gown and prom dress hire to ticket holders.

Greenwoods Menswear Ltd Grantham 01476 567306 will be offering a 15% discount on menswear hire and purchase (including accessories) discount to ticket holders

Dressplace in Southwell 01636 814343 are offering 10% off their ballgown hire to ticket holders.  Please present your ticket at the till.